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Being a woman needs a lot of maintenance. But, you would pretty much agree when we said that your maintenance from head to toe is what makes being a woman a whole lot of fun. From checking in the trendy hair colors to picking what nail polish best suits your mood, those are just some of the things that you all look forward to doing when the talk about pampering is put on the line. But what if we’ll tell you that there is an organic oil that does wonders from head to toe? This organic oil offers a lot of benefits: moringa oil for the face, moringa oil for skin lightening, moringa oil for hair growth, moringa oil for nails, and moringa oil for baby skin. Name it all and this organic oil got you’ve covered!

First off, let us get you started on what moringa oil is, its oil originally came from the moringa oleifera tree that is extremely rich in phytonutrients that offers a great impact on your overall health. Though this may be the first time you came across this skincare ingredient, it’s been used since ancient times and still pave the way to be the best addition to your modern skincare routine.

Let us get you all started on why moringa oil is the superfood for your skin, hair, and nails. Moringa oil is packed with vitamins and antioxidants that act as natural preservatives making it a skin-friendly skincare ingredient. It has high content the following skin top tier skin foods such as oleic acid, linoleic acid, moisturizing fatty acids, and Vitamins A & C. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties as explored and published in this study and antioxidant properties vital in keeping unwanted breakouts and signs of skin aging at bay.

If it is the first time that you came across this skincare ingredient, chances are, you might be asking how to incorporate this one into your usual skincare routine. With your skin concern that you want to be addressed ASAP. Here is the way by which you can incorporate this awesome skin food into your routine.

Moringa oil for skin  

You can add up this oil to your daily routine by applying them after serum and before moisturizer. This can also serve as a moisturizer substitute. Now let’s get you all set up and get to know more about the benefits of moringa oil for the skin.

Moringa oil to defy skin aging 

Moringa oil is packed with antioxidants vital in keeping skin young-looking as it fights off free radicals that can cause damage to skin tissue that may lead to the formation of unwanted fine lines and wrinkles. This study published in the year 2009 explored the antioxidant activity of moringa Oliveria thus, giving you more reasons to love this organic facial oil in keeping your skin young-looking.

Moringa oil to lighten the skin
Struggling with dullness and uneven skin tone? The good news, moringa oil is packed with skin-loving vitamins that your skin would surely benefit from in dealing with this skin concern. Moringa oil is packed with: vitamin C, which helps minimize dark spots caused by acne and hyperpigmentation, this also helps accelerate the production of both collagen and elastin thereby, making the skin plump. Vitamin A works by preventing sun damage using interrupting the process that breaks down collagen and Vitamin B that counters free radical damage caused by exposure to harmful environmental aggressors. Studies have linked this vitamin as well to increase collagen production thereby reducing the skin’s hyperpigmentation.

Moringa oil in dealing with the traces of acne
Sure that the acne scars have a way of annoying most of us. It stayed longer than the acne itself. If you are currently dealing with an acne-targeted skincare routine – moringa oil would make a good addition to it as it contains anti-inflammatory properties that targets blemishes. Not to mention that moringa oil gives off a non-greasy finish making it a perfect moisturizer without worrying about that sticky feel. Its potent dose of fatty acids, vitamins, and anti-inflammatory properties makes it your go-to skincare ingredient in dealing with the traces of unwanted breakouts.

Moringa oil for your hair
Your hair speaks a lot about yourself as apart from glowing skin, your hair adds up to your self-confidence and that primarily explains why you love to change it, style it, and color it now and then. Well then, for your hair concerns, moringa oil is said to be a good source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) that helps reduce scalp inflammation and hair follicle damage and is believed to stimulate hair growth.

Moringa oil to moisturize the scalp
For those who are dealing with dry scalp, give moringa oil a try. Experts believed that massaging it into your scalp can help restore moisture levels and help improve the hair’s overall health. Bid farewell to dry and flaky scalps, Queens! For those who love to give colors to their hair now and then, make sure that you have moringa oil with you handy as experts and haircare brands believe in its potential in protecting color-treated hairs. Moringa oil is believed to enhance shine, provide antioxidant protection, and protect against color depletion plus the drying and damaging effects caused by exposure to sun rays.

Moringa oil promotes stronger hair 

Was it a major pet peeve when you brushed your hair and you encounter plenty of hair strands shaving off? Why don’t you start by adding moringa oil to your daily routine by now? Its GLA content helps promote hair growth and helps you gain stronger hair. The regular use of moringa oil on your hair helps strengthen the hair by delivering important minerals and vitamins to hair follicles.

Moringa oil for your nails

Moringa oil soothes dry cuticles 

In practicing better nail health, a hydrated cuticle must be on the top of your list. Moringa oil is believed to be food for dry, cracked cuticles as it nourishes and prevents irritation from the outside. How to use moringa oil for nails? Bid farewell to dry and flaky cuticles. Just gently massage some moringa oil into your nailbeds to bolster them with added moisture.

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