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5 ways to keep your hands healthy and smooth

5 ways to keep your hands healthy and smooth

Hands Skincare Image by AndreiDavid 

It is without a doubt that our hands are the most overused part of our bodies.  But when we talk about skincare, perhaps, the only thing that comes to our mind is to care for our face and neck. While our face is the focal point of our interactions with others, our hands also play a role. Have you encountered an awkward experience when you are about to make a handshake with someone? Or just a mere holding hands with your partner? Since the pandemic hit, we have been so accustomed to using sanitizers and alcohol every now and then – which, at some point, can be drying.

Did you know that skin at the back of our hand is just as thin as some areas of the face? Thus, making it fragile and susceptible to aging as same with the skin on our face. If this matter sounds new to you, chances are, you are not pretty sure where to start on this matter. While you are processing things out, yes! Your hands really need a skincare routine.

Experts believed that aging of the hands happens very quickly, especially with sun exposure and intense hygiene practices like washing hands with very hot water and sanitizing with alcohol-based products. These practices tend to be very harsh on the skin and therefore would need to be looked after with a bit of moisturizing.  While these things might be a bit overwhelming on your end, here are some tips we wrapped up that might be helpful in lieu of taking care of your hands.


Step one: Wash your hands with the right products

As washing your hands is essential, it is, therefore vital to begin it by using the right skincare products for the hands, if you have dry skin, ceramides might be the best go-to ingredients for you. For sensitive and normal skin, on the other note, if you are dealing with sensitive skin, there are certain harsh skincare ingredients that you must avoid.

Read: Always Check the Label 

Step 2: Moisturize regularly

Regular moisturizing is of the essence in keeping your hands stay smooth and hydrated. Aside from that, it can also help diminish the visible signs of aging on your hands. You sure would not want to have that wrinkled hand, right? Hand creams and moisturizers that contain emollients like glycerin and shea butter maybe your go-to ingredients. As hand washing is vital for our safety, especially during the current surge of the pandemic, forgetting to moisturize your hand after hand-washing may lead to dryness and itchy red patches.  To prevent it from happening, make it a habit to apply moisturizers/ hand lotions right after washing your hand.

Step 3: Exfoliate weekly for smoother hands

Who says exfoliating is only for the face? You need smoother hands especially before he puts the ring on it, right? So, as early as now, establish your skincare habits in taking care of your hands. Exfoliating is the removal of dead skin cells from the skin’s surface. Doing it once a week is helpful enough in getting rid of those dead skin layers.

Step 4: Protect hands from sun exposure

While sunscreens applied to the face and arms tend to stay longer, it usually gets washed off from the hand. So if your primary concern is to avoid wrinkled hands, reapplying sunscreen after washing is highly recommended. Be mindful, especially when going out and you’ll be exposed to the sun, apply sunscreens to your hands as they are often the most exposed parts of our body.

Step 5: Massage Regularly

Your hands go through a lot daily as you use them in your day-to-day chores. A little pampering like a quick massage can not only improve its appearance but also host many significant benefits. Based on this study, hand massage offers pain relief, reduced stress and anxiety, increased grip strength, instant mood lift, and improved sleep quality.

To sum it all up, as one of our most used body parts, your hands deserved to be pampered after all of the day’s work is done. Love the skin of your hands in as much as you love and value the skin on your face. Nail your selfie with your diamond rings with beautiful hands. How does that sound to you, then?

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