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I guess lots of you would agree that you used to take naps for granted when you are in your younger years. Don’t feel guilty about it because everyone went through it.

As an adult working 8 hours a day 5 days a week, a nap is something that most of us look forward to and loves to indulge ourselves with. You do not need to feel guilty anymore about taking your naps. Naps do not necessarily imply slacking off. Your increase drowsiness in the afternoon is pretty much normal. And your best way to combat it? A power nap! Nap is specifically defined as sleeping lightly or briefly, especially during the day. From the term itself, light. But little did you know that this small nap actually brings big benefits to your well-being. So the next time you feel guilty about power napping. Take into consideration the benefits it could bring, okay?

Research suggests that a nap could make you more alert, reduces stress, and improves your cognitive functioning. Hmm, this is primarily true as you feel more recharged when you have your naps taken. A mid-day sleep, according to the experts means less stress, better reaction time, more efficiency, and increased learning. The goal of a nap is to give your body a chance to recharge. Napping for too long can leave you feeling groggy for up to an hour. This period of drowsiness is called, sleep inertia.

The goal is not to experience the feeling of drowsiness. The nap length is one of the biggest factors to consider in taking a nap. According to the experts, 30 minutes nap is considered an ideal length and is most commonly called a “power nap” as it provides recovery benefits without leaving you sleepy afterward.

The next time you feel guilty about indulging yourself with napping, take into consideration the following benefits of a power nap to your well-being.

Power naps could improve your memory

Experts agreed that napping is a good thing but has to be taken in the context of the person’s sleep cycle and body. Studies have shown that sleep plays a vital role in storing memories. Scientists from John Hopkins Medicine concluded that people who napped for about 30 minutes –90 minutes portray a good word recall. A significant implication of good memory. Not only does just napping helps improve your memory, but it also allows you to make connecting dots easier in such a way that it potentially helps your brain draw connections between things you find out.

Power naps could lift up your mood

Studies show that people who are deprived of periods of sleep shows increased negative moods such as anger, irritation, and frustration. This actually holds true especially in the moments when you feel grumpy when your sleep was interrupted.  The next time you feel some overwhelming sleepiness in the midday why don’t you consider a power nap instead of clamoring for that cup of coffee? Trying to take a nap in lifting up the vibe. Experts agreed that relaxation that comes from simply lying down and resting is a great mood booster. Research also suggests that napping helps improve your control over your emotional state which includes your better able to handle frustrations and reduced tendency to be impulsive at times.

Power naps boost one’s creativity

Another interesting benefit that you gained from napping is that it enhances one’s creativity. Research conducted at a University in California led by experts exploring positive benefits of napping found out that napping enhances creative-problem solving whereas, it fosters the formation of associative networks in the brain to make a new and useful associations between unrelated ideas. A short nap could elevate activity in the brain’s right hemisphere – the area of the brain that runs creativity and insight.

Power naps improve physical performance

Not only nap benefits your mental well-being it also provides a boost to your physical performance. If you are into sports, you might as well have recognized the pivotal role that napping could do in improving your physical performance.  A nap opportunity during the daytime affects performance and is believed to shown improvement in motor performance and accuracy. Studies have reported that a short afternoon nap in the afternoon improved endurance performance in runners who had obtained 7 hours of nighttime sleep. In addition to that, the study specifically subjected to military training showed that a 30-mins nap may lessen physical performance reduction caused short term multi-stressors in the training.

Power naps preserve the physical appearance

Sleep as we all know plays a vital role in keeping you – not just your skin but your entire well-being in good shape. Jumpstart your skin’s healing process by catching up on sleep.  It is advised to have at least 8-9 hours of sleep.  Note that your sleeping hours are when your skin repairs itself and replenishes its moisture. Thus, implies that it is one of a most important factor in order for your skin to be able to repair its moisture barrier. Studies found out that, poor sleeping pattern affects skin aging and skin’s barrier function. To add up on this matter, naps that help supplement the daily sleep amounts without having to interfere with your nighttime rest can help you look young, healthy, and full of vigor.

Thinking of the best time to do your catnap?

Research suggests that the best time for an older adult to take nap is between 1 PM – 4 PM. Ideally, it should be 20-40 minutes long to avoid a groggy feeling after you wake up. This is based on the recommendation of the Medical Director in Johns Hopkins Sleep Disorder Center.

Now is perhaps the best time you swear by on an afternoon nap. Working from home during the surge of Pandemic may now afford you an opportunity of giving napping a try.

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